Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Jesus is the reason for EVERY season :)

These pesky germs this season have been kicking my behind. Both my boys have already gotten tiny bugs and are well now(thankful)but now I've been fighting the annoying cold. Not fun at all! The weather here too has been no joke. Freezing temps, snow and the worst inversion. Fog is just terrible , I told my husband he'll be playing chauffer until spring! ;) Needless to say, we've been keeping to ourselves which has been great. Movies and constant ninja moves from my kiddies but I know I need to do more than just the same ol', same ol'. There's always plenty of time for me to get my fill of Pinterest yet my time with the Lord is somehow easier to put aside. I know for myself I want more of HIM and sure want my kids to have a hunger for his word and closeness to God as well. And that starts with us. Monkey see, monkey do right? I decided that we will have a special time carved out to spend quality time sitting in the presence of Jesus. For many it can look a lot of different ways, for us, right before nap time seems like the best kind of sweetness. Worship music going, talking about how good God is and what we are thankful for. Read a couple of bible stories and let Ryder "read" to us. My favorite is them hugging the bible, there's always peace and contentment with the truth! I am far from being a perfect mother, this is for sure but God is really incredibly gracious and patient with me. I am blessed to be his and humbled to say "for I am yours", Lord! And wouldn't you know, right after our treasured time with Jesus, both my babes fell right to sleep! Thankful to be their mama!!! Such joy they both are!

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