Tuesday, March 3, 2015

The Play Zone

Jeepers. How did I let an entire month go  by without at least swingin on through to say hello?? Whoa. Clearly mama brain isn't just exclusive to pregnancy!
To catch you up some, we've been to lots of Highschool basketball games(my little bro is a big bad senior). My husband went to Mexico for a work(is back now thankfully) and the boys wound up getting that awful cold-ugh!!! I've been up to my ears in Kleenex and whiny babes. Needless to say, the last few days have kept us in and it's lookin that way for the rest of the week. Yay. As unenthusiastic as I sound all I really want is for them to get entirely well so I will be A-OK with cabin fever for now! 
Plus the bright side: they have a fantastic space to play now til their little hearts are content! I believe I mentioned in an earlier post we chose to sacrifice our office which meant a lot of physical labor for the husb. That particular room came with a desk that was built right into the wall so that alone was time consuming! Next came painting. We chose a soft bright blue to liven the room up because let me tell you, the hideous deep red it was before was not working!!!

I won't name names on who painted the original color but I will say that would not have happened had we already been married! ;) Oooh, and we decided to paint a whole wall in chalk paint. Im pretty much addicted to chalk painting everything! When all the big things were out of the way we finally were able to to start putting pieces together. Back in January we made a pit stop to Ikea and picked up some items I had been eyeing online for quite awhile! Have I shared my love for that store yet?? It's amazzzzing! In my mind I had to have a solid storage area for all the boys' toys. One that concealed them and still looked clean. For me I didn't want the typical bins that were out in the open because let's face it, those can be a bit of an eye sore. The Stuva collection is perfection and I adore the simplicity of it all. It suits our needs and I am thrilled we went that route! I also opted for some simple spice racks, yes thank you Pinterest, for mini book shelves. Didn't even have to paint them, the natural wood went great with the color scheme I chose. I'm a sucker for black/white and natural wood! With all my craft supplies I made a cute little library sign and created a darling reading spot for them. We also went back and forth on putting a tv in the room and I am glad we did. It's nice to be able pop in a DVD or put on their favorite PBS show. All that's needed is to wall mount it but for now, it works like a dream! I'm so, so pleased with the the end result and the little guys certainly are too! 

A couple more bookshelves, haha, or spice racks! And we are totally finished. Having a designated space for play sure is what we needed! Even if you're short on space like we were there is plenty you can do to accommodate. It's nice to get back to writing, enjoy taking a look around the play zone! 


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