Thursday, April 23, 2015

Karate Kid

Well, hellooo! How goes things?! :) I realize I did tell myself I'd stay in the swing of things and post more regularly but well I get a big thumbs down for sure!    
The culprit? Life! Being a wife and mama is by far the greatest gift in the world and one that keeps me all kinds of busy. Both little guys are growing and hitting every milestone that comes along. 
My Lincoln, 18 months already is just cruising these days! Running, jumping..anything to be like his big bro. And talking up a storm! Mind you, we so far can only translate a handful of words but my oh my he has plenty to say. My favorites are "tuss" (toast) and "dodge" with a silent d (garage)!!! Serious music to my ears! Oh and instead of "Da" my husband is now "Da-eeeeeeee", all day everyday, lol! 
Then there is our Bubba, Mr. Ryder. Four years old, and of course has to know everything and asks only about 1,000 questions a day! He goes through spurts of what particular toys he'll play with week to week and right now he's back "into" Rescue Bots, basically Transformers for small folks. Also, just a couple weeks ago his auntie put him on his cousins bike without training wheels and off he went! Hasn't looked back since and rides like a pro on his very own big kid bike! I may get a lump in my throat on occasion watching him, it's the cutest thing and he is so proud! So many new adventures! Including, karate. We initially had taken him to a class a couple of months ago which he hated! The kids in his class were all way older and there really was a lack of instruction, so I totally felt his pain. However, we signed him up at a place closer to home and though it took a few classes to warm up, he now  loves going! He has always been super independent and polite but tai kwon do just cushions those qualities even more. It's the neatest thing to watch, he follows directions, is loud and is "behaving like a black belt sir"! Can you tell I'm pretty proud of him?!
Such a fun thing to be a boy mom!  

How about you, I'd love to hear what's new?! 

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