Friday, July 10, 2015

Summer Storms

Hey again. Looks like I jumped from spring right into this blazin summer! This area definitely experiences its fair share of heat but this year it came on so early!!! June had a couple weeks straight of 100+ degree temps. Way, way too hot to do anything outdoors. My littles do not enjoy being cooped up, so we are doing what we can to keep busy! 
Luckily we have had out of town family visiting off and on which has made for some fun sleepovers, eating out and overall good times! My guys are so loved by so many and I am truly just so thankful! 
My heart has been heavy some lately and  it's been tough to shake to be honest. As much as I actually love these real life summer storms we've been having(thundering as I write) I can't say the same for life's wind and rain. I can easily fall into a pattern of taking on others burdens and maybe even worrying about issues that are not in my scope of control. Wanting the best for everyone and cringing when I see a path being taken that I wouldn't take myself. My biggest problem I suppose is that I keep using "I". It's not about me. And there is  not a single thing I can do. Especially not in my own strength. God, can. And I trust that he will work everything out for his good! Totally easier said than done, but once I'm in a place of thankfulness and gratitude, my peace arrives. 
My blessings overwhelm me. His ways are higher than ours and his mercies new each day. When dark skies are getting the best of you, grab a hold of his word and stand on his promises! Pray words of encouragement over your family, friends anyone who comes to mind. :) 

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