Wednesday, August 19, 2015

the Californians.

Happy Wednesday out there! Hope this middle of the week is all kinds of wonderful for you. Can you believe this summer is winding down already?! When I was a kid it was always such a bummer as the nights got darker earlier and I knew school was right around the corner. Who am I kidding, it still bums me out some..summer is amazing!! We are definitely trying to get out as much fun of the season as possible. Which we did a good job of just this last weekend!
Our friends from the OC made the flight over to good ol' Idaho and stayed with us Friday through Monday. It was the best time, getting to show them around and spending quality time learning more about them individually and as a family. They are such a cute match, have been married a year and a half and have the most adorable six month old baby girl! My husband was a groomsman in their wedding and we were all able to witness their special day but of course were unable to spend time just hanging out. Rightfully so, with the busyness going on! This trip sure was a blessing, nonstop fun and fellowship, lots of talking and laughing! Our boys absolutely adored sweet little Autumn and now want a baby sister..EEEK!! ;) We were able to hit up the local farmers market, walk around downtown and you know shop stops made the cut!! They really love the Lord, having them here was very refreshing and extremely encouraging! We are so thankful for their friendship. Here are some snapshots of our time, enjoy!


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