Monday, October 12, 2015


Hi guys! Hope your weekend was as terrific as ours. We had an eventful Saturday, it was the cutest thing ever watching Ryder participate in his very first karate tournament! He did awesome and even got a super cool medal to sport, so fun as parents to see our kiddies put what they've learned to use!
Sunday, however was perfectly lazy and we stayed in our pjs all day!!! Much needed and we enjoyed every second! 
Today has been relaxing as well, nothing planned and no errands which is pretty awesome. I was going through pictures of Lincoln's 2nd birthday party and I'm so glad I went with the theme I did! I'm really not one for the typical kids' themes with logos all over and the theme on all utensils, napkins, etc..while that works sometimes, I do enjoy brainstorming and using different ideas. Our little guy loves all animals but absolutely adores cows! We can't pass a field without him hollering, "moo cows"!!!!!! I thought how cute would that be to make him a black and white party with some cow accents. Haha, and yes..I happen to love the color combo just a tad, just check out their playroom! I tried Pinterest for ideas but most ideas there were barnyard centered. (My husband thought I was silly for not just going with all the farm animals)! I found the goody bag idea here and one site I really loved but other than that I stuck with the color concept. I felt like I was back in grade school with all the tracing, cutting and gluing but the treat bags turned out seriously adorable which made all the hand cramping worth it! 
Since it was a tiny people party we kept the food basic with pizza pizza from Little Ceasers and chips. Even had those darling little cartons of milk for the guests! (Thanks to my uncle for hunting those down)! We decided to order an Over the Hill cake from Costco minus the wording and placed a cow figurine to graze on it! I really loved the simple name cake topper I made for his party last year so I went with the same this year too. A fun pairing was the cookie tower next to the cake, kudos to Trader Joes for their deliciousness. A sometimes cheaper alternative to Oreos! It was a low key time and we are very thankful to everyone who made it and helped our sweet boy celebrate! Take a look at some snapshots, I'm so pleased with the turnout! 
Be awesome this week! 

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