Monday, October 5, 2015

October Catch.

Boy. Well our family is back from our yearly hunting trip and we just wrapped up Lincoln's 2nd birthday party! Both events were so fun, leave it to me to fill you in! 
With my husbands work schedule this hunting season we only stayed at the cabin for two nights. Amazingly enough, those few days without cell service and daily hustle and bustle really just took their time. This year it was just the four of us plus our doggie and it was absolutely perfect! Our sons rough housed and played swords with old archery arrows, ran free and literally breathed in the great outdoors! A favorite of course is checking out the area with long rides on the four wheeler. Both boys could not get enough! I say this each time but it leaves me in awe of how beautiful our surroundings are and how at home all three of my guys are in such wilderness. No deer this time although our oldest got to experience firsthand what hunting is like with daddy. He walked a couple of miles and they even got close to getting one, a moment my sweet husband will remember! Now he thinks he's ready for a real bow of his own. :) Love my hunters! Each trip we always wish were longer and leaves us excited for the next time up. Such a fun and treasured time spent with my loves! Grubby, happy, blessed. 

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