Tuesday, November 17, 2015

quick bit.

Hey, hi, and hello! Apologies, for not poppin in any earlier here! We celebrated my handsome love's birthday back on the 8th with a family dinner and it was a fantastic time. We got to spend the evening with his side of the fam and the boys had an absolute hay day playing with their cousins. :) Taco night, and cherry cupcakes(his moms recipe) of course it was gonna be a good time! 
What a hunk my guy is! Best smile, ever.
So fun celebrating him! 
After that bash we had a few days to wind down before our next road trip. Quick note:decided to have Ryder boy take a small hiatus from karate just through the holidays and he'll get back into it come the new year! Though it was just twice a week, we are welcoming the break. :) 
This past Sunday we got back from taking a truly splendid small vacay to the Portland area to visit family. We were able to spend three solid days there and we packed in as much as we possibly could while we were in town. The biggest reason for traveling was meeting my cousin friends sweet baby boy Hudson for the first time! We are all totally in love. Tiny, yet so alert and just the cutest personality already starting to show! My boys were so precious with him. You bet, coffee shop visits and good food made the agenda. As did face painting and IKEA! Weather was cold but it is here too so we were prepared! One of my little sisters tagged along too which made the trip even more of a blast. Have a look at some of our adventures! 
It's still fall, ya'll! 

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