Monday, November 2, 2015


Good morning and good day! Still relaxing in my cozy bed and the bubba's are snoozing under the covies next to me. We had a really wonderful weekend, full and fun! Each Halloween my husband takes a day trip to the sand dunes so the boys and I spend that time with my family. The boys are little so of course we dress them up but we definitely don't focus on the scary aspect of the holiday. Plus it's way too cold to take them house to house for sweets! However, they do get their buckets filled with candy and get to do their share of SAFE trick or treating! We are lucky that my husbands job opens up for employees families to get dressed up and make the rounds in a warm, kid friendly environment. Ryder and Lincoln have an absolute blast every year they go! A definite perk to go to daddy's work! Since we wouldn't be home on Halloween, Lucas and I took them up to their Papa and Mamaw's to get a jump start on the festivities on Thursday! As many kids do, costume choices were decided, switched, and switched again more than a couple of times! After much deliberation, Batman and Robin is what stuck! Earlier that day they got to dress up in karate so they really got a head start! 
They were the cutest walking down the sidewalk and knocking on the door to their grandparents. 
They sure got a surprise when a clown answered! Linc was unsure of what to think! 

Blurry but so funny! 
Friday consisted of one last Halloween craft and off to see Daddy at work! 

My guys! My husband wears this hideous mullet wig each year, no complaints here though, he won a $25 gift card for his costume!

They had the BEST time! We walked around for about an hour, til little legs hurt and they got hot in their suits. Tough being superheroes! :)
We had to make a trip to dad's desk once to dump their buckets then they filled them to the brim a second time! 
They were tuckered!! 
They were big helpers on Saturday too by helping their great aunt hand out candy to other candy adoring kids! Needless to say they had an action packed Halloween that lasted three days, lol! 
My hubs also had his fun, wearing his daisy dukes, getting laughs from everyone! 
Hope you all had a blast, happy Monday!

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