Tuesday, February 3, 2015

What does the groundhog say?

It's February. And it's winter, apparently we have six more weeks in store, yay! (insert sarcasm). I certainly don't like time to zoom by and if it means more winter to slow things down I'm more than okay with it. However, this season in our parts has been mostly dreary! A lot of inversion, rain and gray skies. We did have a day where the sun was shining bright, it was a decent temp and we definitely made the most of it! A sneak peek if you will, of spring!! I'm just tired of those nasty flu bugs and germs being passed around, we are a warmer weather fam for sure! 
Lately we have been in project mode around our home. Doing small upgrades and making our space ours. :) We got ourselves a king size bed, finally!! And totally revamped the office making it an awesome playroom for the kiddies. Just a couple more things and it'll be totally done. Both boys love it and have so much fun playing and learning in there! 
I will post soon some before and afters for ya.
Pizza night here, thanks to Super Bowl Sunday leftovers! Go Hawks!! 
Have an enjoyable evening all of you! 

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