Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Teething Tuesday

Where to start. Teeth, we all need em'. The sweet baby gummy goodness is so stinkin cute but all to quickly disappears! With my first son I never had a clue he was in any kind of pain until a teefie would show up. Talk about a rock star! This go-round is a COMPLETELY different story, I'll tell ya what. Cranky, check. Needy, check. Fever and runny nose..Ahhhhh, unfortunately check! Honestly, I heard some babies experience the latter but didn't really buy it since Ryder was a pro. Poor boy Linc though is dealing with the whole shebang. He cut his first around 7 months then took forever to get the next bottom one and finally just in the last month got his top two! Now his top gums look like two more are trying to pop through, ouch!! Nobody and I mean nobody likes a toothache! Doing my best to make him feel comfy and aside from teething toys my two favorite products thus far are these: Hyland's Teething Tablets
These work like a dream and I usually alternate between one tablet and baby orajel. One bottle lasts awhile too, which is a bigger plus! 

And for the infamous boogie situation my go to product lately has been the NoseFrida, the Swedish snot sucker! Sounds uber appealing right?! I was a little apprehensive at first but the old school bulb you get from the hospital never did cut it. I tend to get squeamish with things of this nature but truly I'm not even phased a bit! This seriously works so well and gets the job done! No way you'll ever get any in your mouth! And really come on, chances are you've been pooped, peed and puked on by these precious newbies in your life! A little snot won't hurt. ;) For real though, it won't happen. Incredibly easy to clean and you know it's clean. Another strike against the bulb. Doesn't always sound like music to the ears but hey if everyone sleeps better at night, WIN! I always recommend this product to friends and wish I had known about it sooner.
Always an adventure with our babes. Best of luck with all your teething tots! 

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