Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Wacky Wednesday

Spring hasn't technically sprung, but it's getting close! It is so nice to actually enjoy somewhat warmer days. 38°, is warm right?! The sun has been shining at least, so we are runnin with it! This week has been pretty laidback and we are enjoying the simplicity of being indoors. Lincoln logs, puzzles and reading handfuls of books every night. This last month we have been charting our reading each night and the boys are having so much fun with it. I'm sure the stickers they get to pick out after help a ton! Along with that, like most schools, Ryder's has been participating in Read Across America this week and each day has had a different theme. Monday was pajama day, in which he showed up to school in his cute little jams but decided he'd rather wear his uniform instead. Yesterday was crazy hat day, he wore his Mickey ears he got from Disneyworld and looked seriously adorable. Today he has been most excited for, crazy hair and clothes day! 
SO fun!
Dr Suess has some of the best quotes, here are a few for your own Wacky Wednesday!


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