Sunday, August 17, 2014

to nap or not to nap?

It's Sunday. Sunday, little Linc!  Thoroughly enjoyed church this morning, worship was moving and the message impactful! Came right home and the husb got right to cookin lunch so we could eat and wind down while watchin some Netflix. Our routine is usually pretty similar each week most in which we all take a family nap. Ahhh, just writing it makes me sleepy!! Some people say naps ruin their whole night, make them groggy and such. I am not some people thank goodness! Oh naps for me are absolutely divine. Maybe it's running after two busy boys all day, all I know is it totally recharges me. Even if it's a short one I always wake up energized! Yet here I am. Awake! Of course the youngest one thinks he should be loud and play AND throw a wrench into our everybody nap idea! Yeesh, good thing he's so tute. Just like cute pronounced like toot!
You see those top guys? So, so, SO jealous! I'm finally seeing little boy two slow down some as I write! There just might be some sweet zzz's for us after all!!! Yes! 

Totally thought I posted this already. The long awaited rest came true. 45 minutes! I truly lucked out and got baby to sleep before the others woke up! Lol, it was everything I hoped it would be! :) 

On a completely separate note, how awesome is Ryder boy's Jesus Saves Bro tshirt??!! We ordered a few months back from Nichole over on Etsy and her shop greythread! Got a mommy size too and we are just as in love with them now as we were when they first came! They are super soft and seriously so comfy! My son refers to his as his "nice" shirt and loves wearing it! His also has seen its share of stains: smoothie spills, watermelon juice, even chocolate. I've been able to get it all out each time and it still looks great. Can't wait until the end of the month when she releases her new prints! Definitely check her out! 


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